Tiger Safari India

About Us

About Tiger Safari India

In 1990, a single encounter with a majestic tiger in Ranthambhore National Park forever altered the course of Sharad’s life. This captivating experience sparked a profound desire within him to contribute to tiger conservation. Recognizing that the local community heavily relied on the forest’s resources due to economic constraints, Sharad was driven to find a solution.

After numerous sleepless nights filled with contemplation, a remarkable idea emerged – one that involved creating job opportunities and boosting the financial well-being of the forest-dependent local residents. The ideal tool for this transformative endeavor was tourism. The concept of “Conservation Through Tourism” began to take root, and it didn’t take long before the region started to experience a positive change.

Over the past three decades, our journey has been marked by the successful organization of nearly 30,000 Tiger safaris across various national parks in India.

Our Vision

Our Values

Our Mission

Our CSR Initiative

We believe in a two-fold program: “Conscious Sustainable Responsibility” (CSR), which is vital for the preservation of our forests and their inhabitants. The future of wildlife is intricately tied to the well-being of local communities. For us, CSR represents the means to secure both the natural world and the people who depend on it.

Community-based conservation program

Our safari operations involve the active participation of local staff, who undergo extensive training to acquire in-depth knowledge about the jungle, its inhabitants, and the delicate balance necessary for humans and wildlife to coexist harmoniously. Furthermore, our commitment to providing a consistent source of income for these local team members plays a crucial role in decreasing their dependence on the forest, thereby mitigating the issue of encroachment.

Funding wildlife conservation

It’s truly inspiring to see individuals and non-profit organizations dedicated to both preserving our diverse species and empowering local communities through education. Together, we are proud to support and fund two remarkable initiatives:

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